Gardening Fun
Gardening is fun, especially if you have someone else do it for you, and then reap the benefits. That's how I roll. Earlier this year, my dad and brother (with my assistance, of course!) felt the need to make a huge garden structure thing, in order to keep the deer and critters out as well as to make us look fancy. I must admit, it does look nice. I mostly helped by halfheartedly digging a hole with a post digger. Turns out that I don't enjoy manual labor. At least I tried!
We planted some seeds, planted some already started plants, and I re-potted my herbs so they could have room to stretch. And holy crap did they stretch! The sage went insane! Especially in the past couple of days. I mean, it was doing alright outside, then when I looked at it yesterday they were giants! I definitely need to use them soon. And the basil has been growing well, but it seems some bugs might like it too since the leaves have little holes in them. Oh well, I still used some today in my grandma's sauce.
The parsley and dill had all but died before I re-potted them. Now they're coming back strong! It's quite exciting. And I also cheated and bought rosemary and mint since I couldn't find mint seeds, and the rosemary smelled too good to not buy. The mint is the only one not in the garden, I put it in it's own pot right under my window. No real reason for that, it's just where the pot already was.
Lots of stuff is growing, and I'm kinda looking forward to all the fresh and free vegetables that will be coming later in the summer. Oh, and the strawberries! I have learned that strawberries fresh off the vine are ridiculously fantastic.
Now you can all look forward to summer recipes with home grown ingredients besides just the herbs (which are finally usable and can fulfill the purpose of this blog!). I'm gonna make zucchini bread, butternut squash risotto, grilled vegetable sauces, green bean casserole, soups, desserts, drinks, anything and everything I can!
Now I'm freaking hungry.
Watch out, it's pic heavy below the cut. Click them to see them bigger
Ignore that is says to click for the recipe. What it really means is to click for the pictures.

Mint! I was told that mint can take over a garden, so that's why it's all by it's lonesome
It's hard to tell through all the sage, but the other herbs are there too. The basil was much bigger before, but I stole some leaves for cooking.
The dill is making a comeback!
So much sage!
View of the garden from the back corner, where the herbs usually are. I moved them for the pictures so they could be in the light.
The front door. It's kind of intense, I know.
View from the backyard, facing the house.
Ignore that is says to click for the recipe. What it really means is to click for the pictures.

Mint! I was told that mint can take over a garden, so that's why it's all by it's lonesome
It's hard to tell through all the sage, but the other herbs are there too. The basil was much bigger before, but I stole some leaves for cooking.
The dill is making a comeback!
So much sage!
View of the garden from the back corner, where the herbs usually are. I moved them for the pictures so they could be in the light.
The front door. It's kind of intense, I know.
View from the backyard, facing the house.
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